Design Toolkit

Hi there, 

While my case studies are in the workshop, I thought you might appreciate a peek at my various projects through the lens of my design approach. This is where the real, scrappy but rewarding progress happens. I’m always happy to share more about my work. If you’re interested in a coffee chat, reach out! 


Provotypes are prototypes meant to provoke thought and debate. This might be my favorite form of rapid prototyping. It satisfies that itch for exploration and making by removing the pressure of an end product. The questions that it raises inform further research and design. For example, the Carbon Footprint allowed me to reflect on consumer versus corporate responsibility in my early thesis research and articulate entry-points to caring as a theme of my designs.

Rapid Prototyping

I’ll admit, sometimes I get stuck thinking too much. And then I remember prototypes exist. It feels great to get out of my head and let my hands do the thinking. There have been times I have wanted to quit midway through making a model because I’m realizing issues in real time - but that’s a good sign. It means you’re uncovering and working through the problems you might have otherwise missed. By completing the prototype, I have a much better sense of what works and what doesn’t work in order to move forward. I’ve also learned that you can get great insights by bringing a low fidelity prototype to a user interview. You get much more qualitative feedback than one with no stimuli!

Content Creation & Storytelling

I’ve had great success with digital content, from ads for DTC brands to TikToks featuring my projects. The subway scrunchie was born from a challenge to ideate 100 ideas for a First Aid Kit. Leaning on my experience in content creation, I turned to the platform to share my prototype for quick feedback. The video has since reached 1.1 million views.

After a few years in the world of 30 second videos, I gave longer-form a try and fell in love with the experience of producing a short film to promote Rumi. Mind Receipts is a sci-fi-inspired reflection on how we manage our internal stream of anxieties.


I think of these as the boxes that let you think outside of the box.

In my toolkit I’ve got service blueprints, journey mapping empathy mapping, continuum mapping, How Might We (HMW), It Sucks That (IST), to name a few.


I’ve facilitated community engagement workshops around mobility and land use as a board member of Princeton Future as well participatory research in product design.


I’ve experimented with several AI tools for daily tasks, speculative design projects, and in intensive workshops with Domestic Data Streamers and the WANTED Design Workshop with Honda to imagine the future of mobility.