
/ Individual Project
Rapid Prototype Concept

/ Skills
Product Design, UX/UI

/ Tools
Figma, Illustrator, ChatGPT

/ Timeline
2 Week Sprint

The Challenge

According to University of Liverpool and BBC’s Lab UK, rumination is the biggest predictor of most common mental health problems. Rumination can be an ongoing experience, making it difficult for ruminators to address their negative thoughts and seek relief outside of therapy sessions.

The Opportunity

A tool for ruminators to self-regulate by externalizing their thoughts any time of day. By receiving instant insights on negative thoughts and patterns, they can begin to take small steps to break the loop.

When we ruminate our thoughts are like a snowball rolling down a hill, they start small but can quickly grow into something bigger and harder to control.

Introducing Rumi, the app designed for ruminators.

Rumi is the tool for externalizing and making sense of your thoughts when you catch yourself “snowballing”. Record what’s on your mind, get insights in real time, and reframe your thinking with personalized feedback based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) practices.

Example Rant

I’m on my way home right and just missed the bus [missed bus]. So now I’m walking and why am I already out of breath?? So out of shape, I can’t remember the last time I went to the gym [no exercise routine] the only exercise I’m doing these days is running errands around the city for my boss - who keeps throwing more work at me [too much work] It's like they expect me to be a superhuman [can’t meet expectations] or i guess ai at this point, and I just can’t keep up or compete really.. [threatened by ai] Like I just need some peace and quiet but I’m anxious to go home because things are awkward with my roommate after our fight the other day [tensions with roommate.] Ugh I’m so overwhelmed I just want to sleep [exhausted].